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The Swedish portal for environmental reporting (SMP) is a web-based application owned by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and administrated by the County Administrative Boards of Sweden. SMP was developed in order to enable fully electronic administration of environmental reports. Only authorized employees at respective facility have the right and access to edit information stored in the database. Consequently, only the facility’s own information is stored here. At the submission of an electronic environmental report to SMP where the supervisory authority is the County Administrative Board, the entire environmental report is sent to the County Administrative Board’s system for environmental protection, which is called Nikita. If the supervisory authority is the municipality or the Surgeon general the environmental report is sent as an email to respective supervisory authority. The environmental report is thereafter administrated and archived at the supervisory authority.
SMP supports Sweden’s efforts to meet its commitments under the Aarhus Convention and the EG Directive on public access to environmental information. The environmental report is an important source of information for the public, decision makers, researchers and other actors with an interest for environmental issues on the international, national, regional and local level.
The information in SMP is used for:
The Swedish website Swedish Pollutant Release and Transfer Register aims to make emission data available to the public. The information on the website is obtained from the environmental reports of those facilities that are required to submit an environmental declaration.
Information in the environmental reports is also reported to a European register that publishes emission data, the European Pollutant and Release Transfer Register (E-PRTR). Information from SMP is obtained once a year for publication on this website.
Ett samarbete mellan Länsstyrelserna och Naturvårdsverket: